For Earth Day, we gathered for a short service, and then went outside to create with & in Nature. The instructions were simple; involve and listen to kids, have fun & don't use living things (actually you can use people, some of whom are actually living.) When I got to my group (butterflies), they were molting. They were waiting for me to give them instructions! Something I have found about UUs (liberals in general) is that they love to TALK about freedom, but when given a bit, they (we) balk and get all resentful... "But we didn't hear the instructions.." There are no Instructions! CARRY ON! Finally, people got creative and made lovely little assemblages from fallen debris, as well as sculptures of people in and around nature (I think it was the Interdependent Web theme). I loved it! We had really looked at things differently and taken a baby sized risk. Of course a few folks sat down and talked with other adults or milled around, ignoring the instructions they never got. We came back together to the sounds of drumming and chanted The Earth is our Mother...
Some people (and even governments)are good at making something out of nothing in a nefarious way. They are like the women at jail who create Christmas decorations out of scraps of lint and toilet paper. They twist and magnify some perceived slight or insult in order to be hurtful and mean. It's a dark creativity. Those people need to get out of their self-imposed prisons and go outside and hang out with kids and be truly free. The world would be so much nicer. Carry on!